You are currently viewing The tenth generation of the advanced program “LGA” is completed

The tenth generation of the advanced program “LGA” is completed

After five modules and two study visits, with exceptional commitment, we are concluding the tenth generation of the advanced program “Academy for Local Governance – LGA.”

In a program featuring lectures, training sessions, group work, and study visits, 20 participants gained skills and knowledge in the field of local governance and public policies

As part of the fifth module, two separate sessions covered the topics: Leadership and Management in Local Governance; Building an Agenda between Civil Society and Local Stakeholders. During the training, participants of this module, divided into groups, simulated the processes of public consultations and addressing legislative and policy issues through the platform:

This advanced practice will enable officials and other local-level actors to use the knowledge and skills acquired from the training according to the needs for addressing challenges and finding solutions in governance processes.

LGA is an advanced training program that targets officials of local governance, line ministries, and civil society actors. LGA focuses on developing the modern concept of local governance through training modules offered in the form of lectures, discussions, group work, information exchange, and study visits.

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