Diskutim për mundësinë e forcimit të bashkëpunimitKLGI held an open discussion with the officials of the Municipality of VitiaGeneral Findings from the Social Audit in MunicipalitiesThe Social Audit Group of Ranillug held its second meetingKLGI has launched the eleventh generation of the LGAPopulation census 2024: How demographic changes affect the financing of municipalitiesKLGI had the pleasure of hosting Ambassador Jonathan Hargreaves of the United KingdomKLGI deals with the challenges that citizens face through thematic groupsKLGI continues to address issues concerning women and people with special needsKLGI continues to provide support to the thematic groupsThe social audit team is established in KaçanikKLGI has continued its support for thematic groups in DragashKLGI has begun visits to municipalities to support thematic groupsRanilug have initiated engagement in the Social AuditKLGI has established the social audit team in the Municipality of SkenderajPoziv za volonterePoziv za organizacije civilnog društva (OCD) i aktiviste/aktivistkinjeThe greater involvement of citizens in local governmentKLGI organized a workshop on advancing the public funding process for NGOs at the local levelKLGI published the Public Consultation Monitoring Report in Municipalities for the year 2023KLGI held a training session with local NGOs and activistsKLGI is expanding the network of LGACALL FOR EVALUATION: DIALOGUE FOR EUROPEAN MUNICIPALITIES (DEM) PROJECTPoziv za organizacije civilnog društva (OCD) i aktivistiThe Social Audit Group held a meeting with the mayor of the Municipality of ShterpceThe Social Audit Group held a meeting with the mayor of the Municipality of GjilanThe Social Audit Group held a meeting with the mayor of the Municipality of DragashThe Social Audit Group held a meeting with the mayor of the Municipality of ObiliqThe Social Audit Group held a meeting with the mayor of the Municipality of PejaKLGI held a training session with local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)The Social Audit Group held a meeting with the mayor of the Municipality of South Mitrovica, Mr. Bedri HamzaThe group of social auditors has started working in the Municipality of RahovecThe training for the Social Audit group in Gracanica was conducted.The group of social auditors is trained for project monitoring in the Municipality of LipjanThe citizens of Gjilan welcome the Social Audit at the local levelThe Social Audit Group has started work in the Municipality of ShterpcaThe social audit group has started its work in the Municipality of South MitrovicaSocial auditing has started in nine municipalitiesKLGI Institute and Institute for Albanian Municipalities signed a cooperation agreementThe tenth generation of the advanced program “LGA” is completedKosovo Local Government Institute (KLGI) organized a study visit to the Republic of AlbaniaKLGI organized the next informative meeting with Civil Society Organizations in Municipality of DragashKLGI organized the next informative meeting with Civil Society Organizations in Municipality of GjakovaKLGI organized the next informative meeting with Civil Society Organizations in Municipality of LipjanKLGI organized the next informative meeting with Civil Society Organizations in Municipality of FerizajKLGI organized an informative meeting with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the city of KlinaIntegration Path and The Role of the Local LevelCivil Society as a Promoter of Public ContributionChallenges in the process of financing NGOs in municipalitiesThe Role of Municipalities in the European Integration ProcessStrengthening municipal capacities for the identification and co-creation of projects contributes to local economic developmentKLGI conducted the third module of the training program “Local Governance Academy – LGA”KLGI organized the workshop with municipalities to discuss the National Program for Local Economic Development 2030Data from Budget Hearings by scope/type/targetThe process of monitoring public funding of NGOs at the local levelReports from budget consultation hearingsKLGI Institute held the three-day training “Youth Academy for Local Government”KLGI Institute presented the analysis “Budget Process in Municipalities – Citizens near or far”The Norwegian Ambassador and the Executive Director of KLGI visit the municipalities of Graçanica and PartesEffective communication with the public – a key factor in strengthening local policiesKLGI held a conference on the 15th anniversary of decentralizationKLGI organized the modular training within the Academy for Local Government (ALG) programKLGI Institute organized a study visit in the Municipality of TiranaHow were social services financed in municipalities between the years 2010, 2013 and 2023KLGI publishes the analysis for the financing of social services at the local levelKLGI Institute supports the Municipality of Kamenica in drafting the Strategy for Local Economic DevelopmentKLGI held the third “LGA” advanced training moduleKLGI has drawn up the Analysis of Local Government in Three DimensionsKLGI publishes the European Council analysis for local governanceKLGI held a discussion on the findings of the Country Report in the field of local governanceKLGI Institute held the second training module “Local Government Academy – LGA”20 trainers are certified by KLGI in politics-making at the local levelThe ED of the KLGI Mr. Gashi held a meeting with the mayor of Pristina Mr. RamaKLGI and MLGA draw up the economic model of the municipalitiesThe KLGI Institute organized the training within the “Academy for Local Government – LGA”Study visit in the institutions of the Republic of Albania10th anniversary of the “Local Government Academy – LGA” programThe Executive Director of the KLGI Institute was hosted by the Minister of Local Government Administration (MLGA)KLGI in cooperation with MLGA organized the workshop, “Presentation of the Draft Model-Economic Profile of Municipalities”The Audit Report – SSSM 2014Instituti KLGI nis programin edukativ LGA me brezin e ri të komunaveAmbasada Norvegjeze dhe Instituti KLGI mbesin të fokusuar në përkrahjen e komunave