Through the project “Partnership for Social Audit in the Municipality,” the Kosovo Local Government Institute (KLGI), in collaboration with six local partner organizations, has monitored nine capital projects funded by the Performance Grant scheme in six municipalities (Drenas, Viti, Skenderaj, Kaçanik, Ranilug, and Shtime).
Projects funded by the Performance Grant:
- 6 municipalities involved
- Three (3) municipalities (Viti, Skenderaj, and Kaçanik) with one (1) project each
- Three (3) municipalities (Drenas, Shtime, and Ranilug) with two (2) projects each
Scope of Projects
- Squares, parks, tourist information centers
- Roads/walkways, public lighting
- Roof repairs in schools
- Efficiency measures and sports fields
Key Findings
- Limitations in the consultation and inclusion process
- Deficiencies in project design and investment standards
- Limited use of efficiency measures and renewable resources
Recommendations/Comments from Municipalities
- Adaptability to the need for project improvement
- Need for broader inclusion of stakeholders
- Integration of standards, efficiency measures, and effective resource use
The Social Audit project was carried out with the support of the Ministry of Local Government Administration (MAPL).